Your team

There are three roles within an organisation with distinct roles and access. These roles ensure that everyone involved in the organisation can contribute effectively while maintaining security and clarity in their responsibilities.

Team roles within a Ticketize organisation

Organisation owner has complete control of the Ticketize organisation account. Each organisation has only one owner who can:

  • create an organisation
  • edit organisation information
  • update the bank account details within Stripe
  • create and edit events
  • add ‘Associates’ and ‘Ticket checkers’
  • check tickets

Associates can:

  • create and edit events
  • edit organisation information
  • add ‘Ticket checkers’
  • check tickets

Ticket checkers can be assigned to an organisation and are only able chceck tickets. See our Ticket checking guide for an overview of the simple ticket checking process.

An organisation can have multiple associates and ticket checkers.

Changing team roles

To change an associate to a ticket checker, or an associate to a ticket checker firstly they must be deleted and then invited to join in the new capacity.

Transferring ownership

If you would like to change the ownership of your account please contact us at