Pricing and ticket categories

There are four pricing modes available in Ticketize. Each event can only have one mode.

Pricing modes

Free events can be set up by all organisations, including those who have not linked their bank account to Stripe. Free events are set up in exactly the same way as all other events, except there no financial transaction. There is no Ticketize platform fee for free events.

For the following options organisations must link their bank account to stripe in Online payments within the Organisation dashboard - see the Stripe help page for more information.

Paid events are events with set ticket prices.

Donation only events allow organisations to set a suggested donation amount. Ticket buyers can choose to pay that amount or any other amount, whether it’s more or less than the suggestion.

Minimum price plus donation allow organisations to set a minimum price plus enable a donation. Ticket buyers must pay the minimum price but can opt in of paying a donation. This is often a good choice for events linked to a fundraising cause as supporter may wish to give a donation on top of the ticket price.

Ticket categories

Ticket categories enable organisations to set different prices for different tickets, perhaps Standard or Adult and Child, or a Family ticket.

If your event has multiple pricing categories simply select the Add new ticket category button.

This can also be a good way to build packages such as ‘Entrace and a drink’.

It is helpful to be precise about the ticket categories - so give an age limit for a child ticket for example.